
Your Masking is MY fault?

I had an excellent lunch. I hadn't seen my friend in over a year. While we chatted and ate, another opportunity sprang forth to use my gifting and calling. Man, I love when that happens! On the way home I felt so wonderful having encouraged my friend in the Lord.

This however segued into thoughts of the times I've missed not only an opportunity to be a blessing, but I miserably failed to see I was even being a curse! I sort of pride myself on being able to read people and be "all things to all men..." I can get along in any crowd: as long as I can read you.

The crux of my issue is some people mask. What is masking, E.? Exactly. Don't you think it is a big link in the issue I am talking about. I'll give more detail:

Apparently I have a "strong" personality. I'm loud, and opinionated, and passionate. This sometimes rubs people the wrong way. I get it. I can also work on it. If I can perceive it bothering a person. But when they "play" along, smile and nod - LAUGH - then I think we are hunky dory. In two incidences I recall the person turned around and complained excessively about me to others, but in my presence was just fine. Both times - years apart - I thought I'd found my new best friend! What a revelation to find not only did they not want to be friends, but abhorrently disliked me!

Now: is this my fault? Is it my issue that is at the heart of the matter? Or perhaps, this type of person doesn't want to deal with their own issues. Because, I am here to tell you, I work on myself ALLL the time. I have a lot of "Sanguine" in me, so I like to be petted and told I'm a good girl. If I want to be accepted, I have to be acceptable; I can accept that. But, what I can't - and don't want - to do, is change who I am. At some point, doesn't another person have some responsibility to work on themselves and learn to deal with various types of people? I like being accepted, but I don't have to be; I've worked a lot on that too. I can't compromise myself so much that now I am unhappy, just to satisfy your preferences.

I want people to see, that if they are a non-confrontive type person, they still can't "mask" to get out of a situation or avoid people. It only makes things worse. And it's confusing to the rest of us. You shouldn't complain about a person behind their back when you didn't give them a chance to work things out in person. These persons are never going to have really close relationships because people can't trust them.

What do you say, E.?